Gargantuan Garden Bot - Day 5


Robotic Gardening Day 5

    For day 5, everyone was excited to continue working on the FarmBot after we moved it to the floor on Thursday. We started the day off with some maintenance work on the bot, adjusting the rails and the belt to make the gardening robot run better. The work got a little tedious but once we got the robot running smoothly it was all worth it. We only had a couple of crises today that we had to deal with, the main one being when the belt that moves the farm bot got completely messed up, which took a good chunk of the day to fix. At around 10:00, Mr. Beradino taught us how to make cables by sauntering and using heat shrink tools, and we applied these cool skills to make wires for the water sensor. We also had 3 students from the Art of Cooking M-Term, who were waiting for their pizza dough to finish so they passed the time by helping us manage the FarmBots various cables and switches.

Ben and Autumn making cables 

    After lunch, we set began programming the FarmBot to pick up and drop different tools, like a rotary, a soil sensor, and the seeder. This was a challenge as the FarmBot operating system can be finicky and adding a feature this complicated was no easy task. It took hours of trial and error, bu tby the end of the day we had the robot picking up and dropping various tools it needed to work as a gardner! 

The FarmBot tools ready to be used! 


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