Day 7 - Garden Bed Assembly

 I arrived at school late and caught up with my group as we put the garden bed in place. We moved it from the left side to the right, and eventually decided the bed would look best in the middle. I marked the post's spots with spray paint before we started digging. This ended up being the most time-absorbing task of the day since we had to move all the posts multiple times due to them being unaligned. After many tries and many rounds of squaring and leveling, we were able to complete a flat base to our garden bed and lay down our dirt. The second level came much easier as Ben and Alexander constructed it before, allowing us to place it on top with much more ease. After that, we drilled the boards into the posts, added all our 20 pounds of dirt and cleaned up the garden. Tomorrow we're planning on adding the top half and the robot. - autumn blanton

Me squaring the base of the garden bed

Some of the materials we used today 

Alexander cutting open this bag of dirt but he was struggling

Almost finished garden bed!


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