Day 3

 This morning started with reviewing the parts beside the robot we needed to assemble. The shed for the robot, the water pump, and the rain barrel were all things we needed to consider before anything was started. We also got our bill of materials approved by Dr. Q which was very exciting and easily a highlight of our day. After that, we began to connect to the robot through the website which ended up being a challenge that we solved by re-flashing the SD card on the Raspberry Pi. When we went through the checklist and started to move the robot around we noticed a strange clicking sound from the tracks. We found out that the wheels were too close to the tracks and were too tight, so loosening the wheels on all of our axes solved that problem and let it move smoothly.

We spent most of the rest of the day running the robot across the track and solving more problems with the track alignment. These problems were mostly caused by our farmbot being only on a makeshift version of a garden bed, and the tables we have the tracks on aren't perfectly flat or aligned. We also got to test some of the features on the farmbot, including the vacuum, camera, and soil moisture sensor. We ended the day by going to the tinkeria to get a ton of sensors and lights we'll be able to upgrade our bot with later on this week!

The lights after we got the Farmbot on and began connecting

Alexander working on the wheel alignment on the tracks

The computer screen once we re-flashed and gained connection!

A video of the robot moving across the tracks.



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